日時 2024年1月27日(土)12時~13時30分(12時スタート)
会場 JOE'S SHANGHAI New York 銀座本店
(東京都千代田区有楽町2丁目2−3 ヒューリックスクエア東京 地下1階) HP: https://www.joesshanghai.net/ginza
参加費 1,000円
申込方法 https://cvent.me/5lBRXE
・メニューは同店のJoe’s スペシャルコースに準じております。
・ マスク着用につきましては個人の判断を尊重し、またお店の方針を遵守いたします。ご理解とご協力をいただけますようよろしくお願いいたします。なお、コロナ感染状況の変化などによりましては、この限りではありません。
・ 当日のスケジュールをご確認の上お申込みください。お申込み後にやむを得ない事情により出席できないと判明された場合、1月25日までに事務局 ([email protected]) へご連絡いただくようご協力いただけましたら幸いです(この場合はキャンセル無料)。
· なお、1月26日以降の直前キャンセルに関しては、公式メニューとの差額分を請求させていただきたくご理解の程よろしくお願いいたします。
Invitation to New Year Luncheon Networking Event (Jan. 27, 2024)
We hope many of you enjoyed the year-end party last December to add the good memories of the year 2023 to the participants.
We are pleased to announce the continuation of the luncheon networking events that started in January 2023. We hope you will continue taking this opportunity to network and expand your knowledge with other members.
This New Year's lunch is also scheduled on Saturday for our members who are unable to find time during the week due to work or other commitments.
This is a great opportunity to discuss the 2024 outlook and aspirations and exchange a wide range of views with a wonderful meal in the elegant atmosphere of the Ginza area. We look forward to seeing you.
Date: 12:00-13:30, January 27 (Saturday), 2024 (Luncheon starts at 12:00.)
Venue: Joe's Shanghai New York Ginza
Hulic Square Tokyo B1F, 2-2-3 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
(HP: https://www.joesshanghai.net/en/ginza )
Fee: 1,000 yen
Registration: https://cvent.me/5lBRXE
(This event is limited to CFA Society Japan Members and will be closed when capacity is reached.)
Note:· There is no special dietary choice. You can find the menu (“Joe's Special Lunch Course”) on the restaurant’s website above.
· The dress code is casual.
· We respect your personal decision to wear a mask and will abide by the restaurant’s policy. Meanwhile, please understand that we may cancel this event due to infection situation or other reasons.
(Cancellation Policy)
· If you are unable to attend due to unavoidable circumstances after registration, please inform us ([email protected]) by January 25. We will refund the fee.
· For cancellations after January 26, we may charge you the difference between the menu price and the registration fee.