【 CFA Society Japan Seminar /Supported by J-FLEC】
Finance & Insurance Literacy over the Extended Human Lifecycle
(Japanese follows English. 日本語の案内が後に続きます。)
Date: December 9th (Monday), 2024, 19:00-20:30
Event Format: in-person
Venue: Room1-2, FINE TOKYO, 5th Floor, South Tower, Otemachi Financial City, 1-9-7 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
(For those who take the subways to come: From Tokyo Metro Otemachi Station, please use the passageway directly connecting to the first basement floor of the building. Then take the South Elevator from the first basement floor or the first floor to the fifth floor.
For those who come from the surface street: Please enter the SouthTower, Otemachi Financial City from FINE TOKYO Entrance that is across the street of Sankei Building. Then take the South Elevator from the first floor to the fifth floor.)
Language: English
Specialty Focus Areas: Investment Management Strategies, Investment Products and Asset Classes (PL credit eligible)
Speaker: Dr. Moshe A. Milevsky (Professor of Finance, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto. CANADA)
Fee: Free for all participants
PL Credit: 1.5
(※This is a Global Passport accredited event.)
Professor Milevsky has been teaching popular courses, seminars and lectures on personal finance, risk management and insurance for nearly 30 years; all around the world. In this 60-minute presentation (plus time for Q&A) he will provide eight (8) distinct insights from his extensive experience, on how to effectively engage diverse audiences ranging in age from 15 to 95, when attempting to “teach & explain” important and complex concepts about insurance, economics and finance.
Moshe A. Milevsky, Ph.D. is a tenured Professor of Finance at the Schulich School of Business, a member of the graduate faculty in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at York University and a Fellow of the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences in Toronto, Canada.
Moshe A. Milevsky has published 18 books (translated into 6 languages) and over seventy peer-reviewed scholarly papers with hundreds of popular articles and blog pieces. He is the co-author of the (2007) CFA Institute Monograph: Lifetime Financial Advice and His most recent (2024) book is: The Religious Roots of Longevity Risk Sharing. In addition to being an award-winning author, he is a fin-tech entrepreneur with a number of U.S. patents and computational innovations in the retirement income space. He currently serves as the Chief Retirement Architect with Guardian Capital LLP (Canada) was named by Investment Advisor magazine as one of the 35 most influential people in the U.S. financial advisory business during the last 35 years, and he received a lifetime achievement award from the Retirement Income Industry Association.
If you wish to attend this seminar, please register via website.
※The number of registrations will be limited on a first-come, first-served basis.
※in-person event
Supported by
CFA Society Japan
[email protected]
【日本CFA協会セミナー / 後援:金融経済教育推進機構】
講師: モシェ・A・ミレブスキー教授(カナダ・トロント ヨーク大学シェーリック・ビジネススクール、ファイナンス教授)
モシェ・A・ミレブスキー教授は、シューリック・ビジネススクール ファイナンス終身教授、ヨーク大学数学・統計学部大学院教授、カナダ・トロントのフィールズ数理科学研究所フェローです。
18冊の著書(6カ国語に翻訳)、70以上の査読済の学術論文、数百にわたる記事やブログ記事を出版しました。CFA協会論文 Lifetime Financial Advice (生涯を通じたファイナンシャル・アドバイス)(2007年)の共著者: また、最新刊(2024年)はThe Religious Roots of Longevity Risk Sharing(長寿リスク分担の宗教的ルーツ)です。
CFA Society Japan
[email protected]