【CFA Society Japan】Japan Investment Conference 2024
(English Follows)
Unlocking the potential of AI - AIの可能性を解き放つ -
日時:2024年5月23日(木) 開場(午前9時00分)開演(午前9時30分)
会場:東京コンベンションホール (東京都中央区京橋三丁目 1-1 東京スクエアガーデン 5F)
参加費:日本 CFA 協会会員(早期割引6,000円から)
Japan Investment Conference (JIC) は、日本 CFA 協会のフラッグシップイベントで、毎年資産運用業界にとって重要でホットなテーマを取り上げています。集客人数、そして運営に携わる人数のどれを取っても当協会最大の規模を誇るカンファレンスです。金融関係者をはじめ幅広い層の方に ご参加頂いており、参加者に有益な情報を提供致していると確信しています。今年は「Unlocking the potential of AI - AIの可能性を解き放つ -」をテーマに掲げて取り組みます。 資産運用業界をはじめ金融業界ではAIの可能性が広く認知され、マーケティング、ミドル・バック、フロント等の業務に変革を生み出しています。AIを巡る環境が目まぐるしく変化していることを踏まえ、Japan Investment Conference 2024 (JIC2024) では、AIの資産運用業における活用に関する最新動向を幅広くご紹介し、内外の実務家・専門家をスピーカー並びにパネリストにお迎えし、その背景や影響について議論を深めて頂きます。JIC 2024は3つのセクションで構成されています。マーケティングセクションでは、AIが資産運用業界におけるSales Force Automation/Customer Relationship Managementにどのようなインパクトを与えうるのかご紹介頂き、
Unlocking the potential of AI - AIの可能性を解き放つ -
Date:Thursday, May 23, 2024 Reception Open (9: 00 am) Seminar Begins (9:30 am)
Venue:Tokyo Convention Hall (http://tokyo.conventionhall.jp/access.html) (Tokyo Square Garden 5F, 1-1 Kyobashi 3 chome, Chuo-Ku Tokyo 104-0031 Japan)
Host:CFA Society Japan
In detail please go to https://www.cfasociety.org/japan/society-events/conference
Fee: From CFA Society Japan Members (early bird discount 6,000 yen)
Program Overview
The Japan Investment Conference (the JIC) is the flagship event held by the CFA Society Japan (the Society), and each year, it features the hottest topics relevant to the asset management sector. The JIC is the Society’s largest conference in terms of both the number of attendees and the number of people involved in its operation. We are confident that we provide helpful information to attendees with various backgrounds, including those in the financial industry. This year’s theme is “Unlocking the potential of AI.” In the financial industry, including the asset management sector, the potential power of AI has been widely recognized, and it has already become a powerful enabler for innovating operations across the marketing, middle and back office, and front office functions. Given the rapidly changing environment surrounding AI, the Japan Investment Conference 2024 (The JIC 2024) will introduce the latest trends on how AI is applied in the asset management business and invite practitioners and experts from both Japan and overseas as guest speakers and panelists to discuss the background and impact of these developments on the asset management business. The JIC 2024 is divided into three sections. The first section, the marketing section, introduces how AI changes Sales Force Automation/Customer Relationship Management in the asset management sector. We also have a panel discussion with guest panelists from a Fintech company, a security firm, and an XaaS company to discuss the measures to deliver effectiveness in the asset management business and showcase their best practices on the customer experience. In the second
section, the middle and back office section, the guest speakers explain how AI can contribute to higher productivity and enhanced risk management from the practitioner’s point of view. In the last section, the front section, we will focus on how advanced AI technologies can be applied to investment strategies and what benefits can be derived from the application of AI to ESG and SDGs investing. Panelists from an asset management company, academic, and data provider also discuss their initiatives on these issues and global trends from each viewpoint to find out practical implications.
CFA Society Japan
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