「資産運用の未来を考えるネットワーキング・ナイト - 人材育成と投資家・プロフェッショナルとの交流」/”Networking Night for the Future of Asset Manage

When:  Oct 3, 2024 from 06:00 PM to 08:50 PM (JST)
Associated with  CFA Society Japan

English follows Japanese.

「資産運用の未来を考えるネットワーキング・ナイト - 人材育成と投資家・プロフェッショナルとの交流」






18:15-18:20:開会の辞: 日本CFA協会会長 出川昌人,CFA

18:20-18:30:ご講演: 金融庁参事官 八幡 道典氏


18:30-18:45:青山学院大学大学院 福井義高教授、

                       東京都立大学大学院 内山朋規教授

18:45-18:55:三須直高氏(Nasdaq, ディレクター, ヘッドオブクライアントエクスペリエンス兼データ)

18:55-19:00:ウナット・コーリ, CFA(グローバル・パートナーシップ&クライアント・ソリューション、アジア太平洋・北・オセアニア担当ディレクター、CFA協会)


・パネリスト:ズヘール・カーン,CFA(UBP ポートフォリオマネジャー)、杉本直也,CFA (国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST),資金運用本部副部長 兼 資金運用室長,マネージング・ディレクター )、モーテン・ポールセン(リサーチ・ヘッド, CLSA証券株式会社)

・モデレーター:小澤 大二, CFA(前インベスコ・アセット・マネジメントCIO)



・会場で展示・相談コーナー開設:日本CFA協会、TAC, Japan Society of U.S. CPAs, Global Association of Risk Professionals(GARP)、CMT Association, CAIA Association


日本政府は国際金融センターや資産運用立国の実現に向けた取り組みを積極的に推進していて、本年は「Japan Weeks」の2回目に当たります。日本CFA協会は「ネットワーキング・ナイト - 資産運用の未来を見据えた人材育成とプロフェッショナル交流の推進」と題して、Japan Weeks 2024のサイドイベントを開催し、リアルなコミュニケーションの場を提供します。






第二部:パネルディスカッション - 資産運用に求められるプロフェッショナルスキルと未来の展望:


第三部:エグゼクティブ・ネットワーキングセッション - 投資家とプロフェッショナルの交流:


[ご登録】  https://cvent.me/mnDBK9?RefId=getAbstract

”Networking Night for the Future of Asset Management - Talent Development and interaction with Investors & Professionals”

Date: Thursday, October 3, 18:00 - 20:50

Venue: Fine Tokyo @ Otemachi


18:00: Reception desk opens

18:15: Start of the Event

18:15-18:20: Opening remarks: Masato Degawa, CFA President, CFA Society Japan 

18:20-18:30: Speech: Michinori Haba, Deputy Director-General (Financial Markets), FSA 

18:30-19:00: Part I: Human Resource Education for Asset Management

18:30-18:45: Professor Yoshitaka Fukui, Aoyama Gakuin University Graduate School, Professor Tomonori Uchiyama, Graduate School of Tokyo Metropolitan University

18:45-18:55: Naotaka Misu, Director, Head of Client Experience and Data, Japan, Nasdaq

18:55-19:00: Unnat Kohli, CFA(Director, Global Partnerships & Client Solutions, Asia Pacific North & Oceania, CFA Institute)

19:00-19:30: Part 2: Panel Discussion: Professional Skills Required for Asset Management and Future Prospects

Panelists: Zuhair Khan, CFA (Senior Portfolio Manager, Japanese Long/Short Equities, UBP),  Naoya Sugimoto, CFA(Co-Chief Investment Officer Managing Director, Head of Global Investments Dep., Deputy Director-General Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) )and Morten Paulsen(Head of Research at CLSA Securities Japan Co.,Ltd.)

Moderator: Daiji Ozawa, CFA(Former Invesco Asset Management CIO)

19:30-20:50: Part 3: Networking Reception

Light refreshments and beverages will be served.

Exhibit and consultation corner at the venue: CFA Society Japan, TAC, Japan Society of U.S. CPAs, Global Association of Risk Professionals(GARP)、CMT Association, CAIA Association 

 [Event Summary]

The Japanese government is actively promoting efforts to create an international financial center and asset management powerhouse in Japan, and this year marks the second edition of Japan Weeks. Japan CFA Association will host a side event of Japan Weeks 2024 titled “Networking Night for the Future of Asset Management - Talent Development and interaction with Investors & Professionals” to provide a banquet for real communication.

The purpose of this event is to develop human resources for the future of the asset management industry and to promote exchanges among investors and asset management professionals.


[Event Detail]

The event will consist of the following three parts

Part I: Strategies for Developing the Next Generation of Asset Management Professionals: Strategies for Developing the Next Generation of Asset Management Professionals

Experts will discuss the importance of education and specific approaches to training the next generation of asset management professionals, focusing on the CFA Society's programs and higher education, including universities, and this section will detail educational methods and their effectiveness in addressing industry challenges.

Part II: Panel Discussion - Professional Skills Required for Asset Management and Future Prospects:

A panel of industry leaders will discuss the following topics. The panel will delve deeply into the skill sets and characteristics required in the asset management industry and the importance of decision making. Current talent shortages and future talent needs will also be discussed.

Part III: Executive Networking Session - Investor-Professional Interaction

The networking reception will provide an opportunity for participants to interact and exchange ideas directly with each other. Investors and asset management professionals can build relationships and explore new business opportunities in a casual manner. Through the exchange of information on the latest industry trends and best practices, we hope to explore possibilities for future collaboration. Through this event, we aim to nurture the future of the asset management industry and build a strong network among investors and professionals. Participants will deepen their knowledge and skills to work at the forefront of the industry.

Registraion: https://cvent.me/mnDBK9?RefId=getAbstract
(Please reserve in advance - there is a limited number of seats available.)


Online Instructions:
Event Image


CFA Society Japan

[email protected]