The Power of Story: Finding Your Confident Voice

When:  Apr 11, 2024 from 01:00 PM to 01:45 PM (PT)
Associated with  CFA Society Louisville

Your spoken words are the vehicle you use to connect to the world. The way you speak greatly influences your ability to achieve success. Since your spoken words are composed of meaning and sound, It's not just what you say, but the timbre, pitch, speed, and emphasis of your voice that will inspire your listeners. Is your speech diluted by filler words? Do people speak over you? Is your audience bored when you talk? Does your accent keep people from understanding you?

Your premier association for finance professionals invites you to join this interactive workshop, where you'll learn:

  • to connect to your authentic voice, unleashing the full potential of your verbal capacity
  • how to be heard clearly and listened to with more focus and interest, improving business and personal relationships
  • to enjoy harmony and satisfaction in communication while facilitating the achievement of your goals. 

Don't miss this engaging and informative event, and become a more compelling, confident, and charismatic communicator. We encourage participants to volunteer during the session and receive feedback and coaching for the benefit of all participants.

Brought to you by CFA Society San Francisco
