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CFA Society Norway and the Norwegian Society of Financial Analysts sign collaboration agreement

By Trine Christensen Sy posted 20 Feb, 2023 04:46 AM


CFA Society Norway and the Norwegian Society of Financial Analysts sign a collaboration agreement to create a hub for competence and learning for finance professionals in Norway.

Both organizations work for the common goal of high professional standards, capital market integrity and promote excellence of practice for well-functioning capital markets.

"Together, we wish to collaborate on advocacy work in the financial markets and engaging with the core investment management industry to advance ethics, market integrity, and professional standards of practice," says Isabelle Juillard Thompsen, CFA, President of CFA Society Norway.

The purpose of the agreement is to offer more and larger professional events and courses, a broader professional network for our members in addition to exchange experiences and collaborate on activities in the business community, social responsibility and other issues that can contribute positively to creating values that benefit society.

The associations have already established a collaboration on  GIPS (Global Investment Performance Standard) in Norway from 2020, which is a set of standardized ethical principles for creating transparency for investors and owners globally.

"I look forward to a closer collaboration with CFA Norway, which gives NFF and our members access to many exciting professional events and a larger international network. We strongly believe that this collaboration will strengthen the environment for professional expertise for finance professionals in Norway," says Mette Lindbæk, CEO of NFF.

The agreement means that CFA members are entitled to membership of NFF and are offered membership benefits in the same way as NFF's ordinary members, at the same time as the two organizations will continue to operate separately and with their own study offerings.

About NFF
The Norwegian Association of Financial Analysts has been active in Norway since 1968. The association has about 1,000 members, who work in a number of different roles within finance, investments, analysis and the capital market. The association aims to be Norway's foremost independent competence environment within finance and the natural link between academia and industry.

About CFA Society Norway
CFA Society Norway consists of 107 members in Norway with various roles in reputable international and Norwegian companies. CFA Society Norway is part of a Nordic community with more than 2,000 members. The CFA designation is held by a total of 178,000 members globally, which is organized in 154 local communities under CFA Institute, headquartered in the U.S..