Forecasting: Impossible in Today’s Chaos?

When:  Sep 28, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM (PT)
Associated with  CFA Society Vancouver

Chaos has become common. Analysts and world leaders alike seem unanimous in proclaiming this our new global paradigm, along with encouragement to make the best of a bad situation, manage risk appropriately, and so on. And, of course, the encouragement that in spite of all this, your predictions are going to be wrong. Models that used to work are now broken, and the best you can do is just muddle through. But if so much is wrong, how do we - or they - know they are right?

Join us as we welcome Peter Hall for a lively presentation that casts current chaos in a new light, and gives hope that we can actually see our way through the current fog of inflation, rising interest rates, soaring debt and impending recession - and whatever other chaotic developments materialize in the coming weeks.


Terminal City Club
837 West Hastings St
Vancouver, BC V6C 1B6
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Suzanne Martin
[email protected]