Exam Preparation Resources

Scholarships & Study Materials

We would like to provide you with the opportunity to apply for a Kaplan Schweser Scholarship. These scholarships can be used for 2023 exam cycles. Please find the links and information below:


  • Kaplan is offering 6 scholarships for study materials for Levels I, II, or III. If chosen, you will be given an option of one of the following at highly reduced priced: (1) Premium Instruction Package or (2) Essential Self Study Package. SchweserNotes & QuickSheet are offered for free.
  • Link to form: 2023 Society Scholarship


  • A $500 scholarship is available to women residing in Ohio who are interested in earning the CFA Charter. Scholarship proceeds will be used to register for the 2023 exam (Level I, II, III).
  • Link to form: 2023 Women's Scholarship


CFA Society Columbus (CFAC) Members have been offered a discount on study materials through Kaplan Schweser. This discount is offered for all three levels.


CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, review, or warrant the accuracy of the products or services offered by this Society or verify or endorse the pass rates claimed by this Society.  The CFA Institute Logo, CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are just a few of the trademarks owned by CFA Institute.

**CFA Columbus is not affiliated with/does not endorse any particular provider

Mock Exam

The CFA Society of Columbus is partnering with CFA Boston as our mock exam provider for the level I & II. Please reach out to CFA Boston for more information.