Exam Preparation Resources


Prep Resources
Candidates can usually succeed on the exams by studying the CFA Program curriculum readings and mastering the learning outcome statements. Some candidates, however, may benefit from using prep courses and/or review notes. These materials should be used as a supplement, not a substitute for the current curriculum. Click here for more information on exam preparation providers.

The Society will partner with service providers so that candidates may access supplementary resources at a discount and support their study efforts.  Again, these materials should be used as a supplement, not a substitute for the current curriculum.  Enjoy a 15% discount on Kaplan Schweser CFA exam prep.  

Exclusive Offer For CFA Saskatchewan Candidates!

Kaplan Schweser has been partnering with CFA societies for 15 years...developing candidates into CFA® charterholders and ultimately leaders in society communities. Schweser's study program has evolved over the years to create an engaging experience for candidates, using real-time data to guide them to exam success in an adaptive manner. 

Area candidates and members are eligible for discounted Kaplan Schweser exam prep materials. Visit www.schweser.com/societies to locate your CFA society and learn more about available discounts! 

To learn more about Kaplan Schweser, visit www.schweser.com.​​

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