Exam Preparation Resources

Our society supports the efforts of local CFA candidates by sponsoring a variety of CFA exam preparation and review opportunities. Experienced and respected academicians and investment practitioners coach candidates on CFA curriculum topics, such as securities analysis and investment valuation, financial accounting, quantitative analysis, economics, asset allocation, and portfolio management. Participation in an organized program can complement the self-study design of the CFA Program.

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It's more important than ever to be well prepared on CFA exam day.

Don't take a chance trying to cobble together your own set of study materials. Kaplan Schweser has optimized its study packages with training and study tools designed to work together for maximum effectiveness.

Schweser's comprehensive Premium Study Package guides you through the entire preparation process while keeping you on track with your studies. Created by a global network of CFA charterholders who understand what it takes to pass, this package includes:

  • OnDemand classes with expert instruction Core study tools, including SchweserNotes™ and Schweser's Secret Sauce®
  • Thousands of exam-like practice questions A comprehensive OnDemand Final Review Workshop
  • Access to a team of experts who provide guidance and support throughout your exam preparation 
  • An exclusive forum to get accurate answers to your questions, and engage with instructors and other CFA candidates.

Get Your Premium Study Package