Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteer Opportunities

We encourage members to take an active role with any of the committees for CFA Society Austin. Your participation as a volunteer will not only benefit the Society, but it will also provide you with valuable opportunities to meet industry leaders and to make lasting friendships among your peers. The creativity, energy, and support of individuals like your-self are crucial to the success of these groups.

Who can volunteer?

All members of the Society can volunteer – that includes Student, Candidate, and Affiliate members.

Interested in volunteering?

If you are interested in volunteering with CFA Society of Austin, please reach out to [email protected].

Not a member yet?

Students can apply online – just click here.
Candidates, Regular, and Affiliate members contact us at [email protected].

Where would you like to volunteer?

Time commitment for each group is approximately 1-2 hours a month


Help promote CFA Program and ethical standards. Through communicating educational excellence and ethical standards of charterholders to media, regulators, investors and society and co-ordinate with national, regional and global advocacy efforts at other societies and CFA Institute

Communications / Social Media

Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

Communications prepares the Constant Contact and Social Media messages sent out to membership on a regular basis to generate conversation and community, inform them of upcoming events, opportunities available for members and candidates, messages from CFA Institute and/or CFA Societies Texas, and regular communiqués from the President and the board about the strategic initiatives and activities of the society.

Forecast Dinner

Oversees and coordinates Forecast Dinner, including obtaining speakers, moderators.


Handles and reports on membership data and develops strategies and programs to promote new membership and retention of current membership base.

Mentorship Program

Help Mentors and Mentees work together to establish a relationship built on encouragement, trust, and development.


Plans educational, social and networking programs for the society. May serve as greeter for attendees and/or speakers.

University Relations

Maintains the contacts with the local university to build CFA awareness, handles scholarships, review programs, mock exams, Exam day lunch, and serves as a liaison for the local CFA Institute Research Challenge.

Website / Technology

Helps maintains and updates society website and stays on top of new technology and makes recommendations for implementing these technologies where appropriate.

CFA Institute Volunteering

Give back to the profession, network with other members, refine your skills, and, in many cases, earn Professional Learning credits. 

Browse current CFA Institute volunteer opportunities