Sep 26, 05:00 PM - 09:00 PM (CET)
Dear Members, We are delighted to invite all members to CFA Society Norway’s 202 4 Annual General Meeting. Date: 2 6 th of September 202 4 , 17:00 Place: Foodie, Tordenskioldsgate 6, 0160 Oslo Sign up here: Registration AGM Agenda:
Opening of the meeting a) Appointment of a Chair, Secretary, two examiners of minutes b) Counters for the meeting & confirmation quorum c) Approval of agenda 2.Brief summary of past year a) Important milestones last year b) Presentation of membership development c) Presentation of financials 3. Amendments to the Investment P olicy 4. Election Board members by nominee committee a) Presentation of Board candidates b) Recommendation of nomination committee c) Presentation of candidates & election d) Volunteers for committee work
Society members will be invited to vote on proposed amendments to the investment policy. Last year, CFA Society Norway implemented this policy to enhance returns on the society’s cash reserves. This year, the Board is recommending a few minor revisions. The changes focus on refining the definition of the policy’s objective, increasing the maximum investable amount of the society’s cash balance, allowing for shorter investment tenures, and clarifying the reporting requirements. Society members will also be asked to express their vote / preference in connection with the election of new Directors of the Board, since two positions will become vacant. The nomination committee has developed a matrix-based tool to finalize their recommendations, based on the below criteria: 1) Society contribution 2) Professional background 3) Capacity to contribute 4) Compability with the Board Based on this, the nomination committee will present their proposed changes to the Board no later than 10 days before the AGM. These changes will be included in the next email, along with the AGM invitation.
There will be served food and drinks after the AGM.
Kind regards CFA Society Norway
Oslo, Norway