【CFA Society Japan Webinar】
Review of the tender offer rule and the large shareholding reporting rule in Japan
Date & Time: Thursday, September 21, 2023, 20:00-21:15 JST
Format: Zoom webinar
Language: English
- Mr. Tatsuya Taniguchi, (Director for the Corporate Governance Reform, Corporate Accounting and Disclosure Division, Policy and Markets Bureau, JFSA)
- Mr. Akira Matsui, (Deputy Director, Corporate Accounting and Disclosure Division, Policy and Markets Bureau, JFSA)
Fee: Free for all participants
PL Credit: 1.25
Topics: Standard, Ethics and Regulations (SER)
(※This is a Global Passport accredited event.)
In response to the recent evolvement of the capital markets in Japan, the Financial Services Agency of Japan (JFSA) has established a working group to review the Japanese tender offer rule and the large shareholding reporting rule, from the perspective of ensuring transparency and fairness of the market and facilitating constructive dialogues between issuers and investors.
JFSA staffs will explain the main issues presented in the working group.
Reference; https://www.fsa.go.jp/en/refer/councils/tenderoffer_largeshareholdingreporting/materials/20230605/material.pdf
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CFA Society Japan
[email protected]