CFA Society Romania launches the concept of “Generation I”: a different generation, inclusive, transgenerational. It is composed of young people, adults, and elders who are united by common values, in the center of which INDEPENDENCE is found, in its forms: intellectual, emotional, and financial independence.
“Generation I” or the Independent Generation is built around independence, as a central human value, which drives responsible behavior regardless of demographic and sociographic background.
Financially, “Generation I” members are those who save money and invest during their lifetime to ensure an independent and safe lifestyle.
THE DECALOGUE OF “GENERATION I” - 10 key principles to achieve financial independence
1. Tell me what you spend the money to tell you who you are: evidence of expenses
2. The home count must always be done: how a plan of saving and investing looks
3. Be prepared for heavier periods: monthly saving of part of income and automation of savings
4. Objective of saving: stop and ask yourself "for what?"
5. Use what others have already perfected: the tools of saving and investing
6. The investment increases with patience: about realistic time horizon
7. Investing wisely: Diversifying the Portfolio
8. The biggest risk is that you do nothing: invest, but remain cautious
9. Essential is to know where to look for: continuous information from professional sources
10. The most important investment: periodic revaluation of needs and priorities