Quant Awards are open to university students and interns in quantitative finance regardless of specialty. Applications are free. No CFA candidacy or membership is required.
The report must be written in English
- It should be between 5- and 7-pages long (excluding appendices)
- The cover page should contain ONLY the title but NOT the candidate or university name²
- The report should be a PDF file named as follows: Quant Awards - Candidate name - University name – (or Company Name if it is an adaptation of an internship report)
Students must submit their original research focusing on the topic of Quantitative Finance. The report should concentrate on the importance and practical applications rather than technique. It can consist of an end of studies dissertation, internship report or work conducted specifically for the Quant Awards.
Registered candidates must submit their reports before August 31 to [email protected].
The judging panel consists of several independent judges and a Super Judge. The panel may call on external experts if participation is particularly high or if a given report requires additional technical oversight.
Reports are judged anonymously, with a code replacing the names of the candidates. Each paper receives a grade from 1 to 10. Their mark is a weighted average of four criteria:
- Applicability and relevance (30%)
- Innovation (30%)
- Accuracy and completeness (30%)
- Presentation (10%)
Papers are afterwards normalized and the three papers with the highest score will make it to the final. The Super Judge will determine the order of the 3 winners. Decisions may not be appealed.
The Award Ceremony will take place towards the end of the year. It will be held in the country where the winner applied. All winners will be invited, and travel and housing costs covered (with a limit of €500 per person). All participants are welcome to attend the ceremony at their own costs.
In 2023 the Award Ceremony was held in Dublin. This year the Award Ceremony was held in Oslo on March 15, 2024. Read more >
The QuantAwards is an initiative of several CFA Societies, that are the local chapters of CFA Institute, the non-profit, global association of investment professionals that sets the standard for professional excellence and credentials. The organization is a champion for ethical behavior in investment markets and a respected source of knowledge in the global financial community. The Institute offers the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) Program, a globally recognized, graduate level curriculum that provides a strong foundation of real-world investment analysis and portfolio management skills. The Societies aim to support and contribute to the progress and stability of the national investment community by organizing professional education, setting standards, sharpening ethics, improving competence and sharing knowledge and supporting the industry in many other ways.
In 2024 starts the 10th edition and features the participation of CFA Society France, CFA Society Netherlands, CFA Society Norway, CFA Society Ireland, CFA Society Spain, CFA Society Italy, CFA Society Belgium and CFA Society Istanbul.
For more information, please contact the participating CFA societies or follow our Quant Awards LinkedIn group. At CFA Society France, Roxana Mitroi, CFA is in charge of the competition. Please email us: [email protected] if you need any further information!
The Quant Awards Team & 2023 winners