Volunteering with our society is a wonderful way to give back to the community and offers a fun and rewarding experience. Though COVID-19 has changed the landscape for how we serve members, we continue with our core initiatives in a virtual capacity. On this page, you'll learn about our various committees and initiatives. We also included some fun society-produced videos to further inspire.
Volunteer Presentation
Is there a particular committee or initiative that speaks to you? Are you interested in learning more about volunteering with CFA Society Victoria? We'd love to hear from you! Please apply by emailing us a completed Volunteer Application form or contact us for more information at [email protected].
Introducing the Committees
The Communications committee operationalizes the strategic communications for the society to members, stakeholders, and the public at large. Other activities may include promoting society events, overseeing the local advertising brand campaigns, and coordinating with CFA Institute with regional and international campaigns, media relations, and local outreach.
The advocacy committee coordinates local advocacy outreach efforts and is the primary communicator of CFA Institute advocacy initiatives—ethics, standards, and policy issues. A primary role of the advocacy chair is to organize local advocacy activities, potentially including member education, industry/investor outreach, and/or regulatory policy and research.
Candidate Services
The candidate services committee is responsible for any society initiative related to potential candidates for the CFA® Program, including but not limited to society scholarships, university presentations, the Global Investment Research Challenge, and complimentary curriculum orders.
University Outreach
The University Outreach committee educates students on career options available in the broad finance/investment field. They build value for the CFA designation and how the resources available to assist in building a career path. Efforts include public appearances, one-on-one networking interviews, and relationship building with key stakeholders. The Investment Research Challenge and the Ethics Challenge are also important initiatives for CFA Institute and offer valuable opportunities for students.
The program committee is responsible for all society member events, including speakers, social events, and other special events. Programs should add member value by providing continuing education, networking, and career opportunities as well as being a recruitment tool for new members.
The membership committee promotes the advantages and benefits of membership, assists potential members through the application process, responds to membership inquiries, and manages existing memberships.
Forecast Dinner
The Forecast Dinner committee oversees the planning and production of our society’s signature event. The Annual Forecast Dinner is a major highlight in the Victoria business and investment community calendar, attracting over 350 business, investment management, and finance leaders and investors. This is a growing, sellout event, which we are pleased to be able to offer to our community.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The business case has been made to directly link improved investor performance with the presence of diversity and inclusion. If we are to best serve our membership it will be to provide them with the information and tools that they need to recognize and achieve this business imperative. We are seeking volunteers in the following capacities; Events Coordinator, Media & Engagement, and Innovation & Research.
Financial Literacy
The Financial Literacy committee aims to educate and support the local investing community by enhancing financial knowledge and best practices through the sharing of tools and resources. It also strives to establish and build brand recognition and understanding of the CFA charter for the ultimate benefit of society.