Goldilocks meets the Three Bears - Speaker Dan Niles

When:  Dec 4, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (PT)
Associated with  CFA Society Seattle

To understand where we are, we have to look back to where we were. Dan Niles, Founder and Senior Portfolio Manager for the Satori Fund will join us to discuss what he expects from the market for the remainder of 2023 and what he is expecting in 2024. The Satori Fund is a US focused, technology biased, large capitalization, long-short equity fund.  It uses individual company fundamental analysis augmented by technical and macro-economic analysis to generate a portfolio of typically 20-40 positions. Active risk management results in net exposure that typically ranges from minus 15% to plus 50% with gross exposure that is typically in the 100-150% range.

Speaker: Dan Niles - Founder and Senior Portfolio Manager for the Satori Fund which was launched March of 2004.



The Rainier Club
820 4th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98104


Pam Webb