Member Benefits

CFA Society Seattle strives to provide its members with a multitude of valuable benefits and experiences.

  • Over 1,100 Members
  • Mentoring Program
  • Candidate Study Groups
  • Educational Luncheons and Webinar's
  • Networking Events
  • Weekly Newsletters
  • Young Professionals Networking Events
  • Women's Network
  • Candidate & Student Special event pricing (specific events)
  • Yearly Economic Forecast, Research Challenge and Ethics Challenge Events

CFA Society Seattle offers three membership categories: Regular, Affiliate, and Student. Regular and Affiliate members enjoy the same benefits, but only Regular members hold voting privileges and can serve on the board of trustees. Candidates in the CFA Program are encouraged to join as Affiliate members and become Regular members as soon as they are eligible.

Regular and Affiliate members belong to both the CFA Institute and CFA Society Seattle, and receive all of the CFA Institute Member Benefits, including career resources, industry content, and networking opportunities. Student members enjoy the benefits of the local society only. All three membership categories may attend events at the member rate (average $15 to $25 in savings), access our local CFA Society Seattle Job Board, and receive weekly newsletters with the latest industry trends and upcoming events.  

For additional information, please select the Join or Renew Tab or email our office at [email protected].​