
Asociación Peruana de Profesionales en Inversiones

Perú Women Leaders Summit 2023

El CFA Society Peru, la Asociación Peruana de Profesionales en Inversiones, tiene el agrado de invitarlo(a) al evento denominado, Perú Women Leaders 2023, organizado por El Dorado Investments.

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Networking Women CFA

El CFA Society Perú organizó el evento de networking empresarial  "Networking Women CFA", el cual se llevó a cabo el día Miércoles 24 de Mayo en el Auditorio EY.

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Renta Fija Local e Internacional

El CFA Society Peru, la Asociación Peruana de Profesionales en Inversiones, llevó a cabo el evento denominado “Renta Fija Local e Internacional”, el día Viernes 28 de Abril en el auditorio SURA.

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DeFi: Introduction to Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

This course provides a solid foundation for those who wish to gain an understanding of the fast-moving subject of decentralized finance (DeFi) and its impact on the asset management industry. Course content is informative, thought-provoking, and offers a glimpse into the future. This beginner-level course provides an essential introduction to the elements that define DeFi, including what it is, how it works, and the advantages it offers over more traditional centralized finance.

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