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9th edition Research Challenge​


On the 10th of February, the CFA Society Portugal held the ninth edition of the Portuguese Competition of the Research Challenge.

The teams presented their research of Jerónimo Martins SGPS, represented at the event by Cláudia Falcão and Hugo Fernandes.

ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management , FEP - Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto, Universidade Católica PortuguesaISCTE Business School, Nova School of Business and Economics and Universidade do Minho participated and delivered great reports and presentations.

We congratulate all teams for their commitment.

As in the last edition, the big winner University was ISEG!

Congratulations to the team and to the professor Victor Barros, CFA!

This initiative wouldn´t have been possible without the support of our amazing volunteers and staff.

Special thanks to the judges António Seladas, CFA, Filipe Rosa, Jorge Guimaraes, CFA; the graders Gonçalo Araújo, CFA, Pedro Baldaia, CFA, Maksym Mishyn, CFA, António Seladas, CFA and the mentors Filipe Leite, CFA, Marco Afonso, CFA, Nuno Estácio, Nuno Matias, Pedro Guerra,CFA and Rina Guerra, CFA.

Also, the CFA Society Portugal would like to thank Isabel Ucha, Rita Albuquerque and Maria João Vaz for making this event possible on the Euronext Lisboa facilities!

