Local Membership

Candidate Membership


Candidate Membership is for CFA Program and Certifications candidates who want to become involved with CFA Society Luxembourg during their exam preparation or as a link between passing exams and obtaining their charter (one year only)

Candidate Membership is 50EUR per year, from 1 July to 30 June.


CFA Society Luxembourg Candidate Members receive all benefits of Regular Membership - except acting as a sponsor for Regular Membership and voting during CFA Society Luxembourg Annual General Meeting.  

        Invitations to Social Evenings, Workshops and Educational Events

        Career opportunities

        Possibility to volunteer with the society and have a direct impact on their activities


        Is registered for an exam or having passed their Level 3 during the previous Membership Year.

        Has agreed to and adhered to CFA Institute Code of Ethics & Standards of Professional Conduct Statement.

Individuals who are benefitting from a scholarship by CFA Society Luxembourg will be granted free Candidate Membership for that same year.

Application process

Application Request is made online. Upon approval, candidates will be provided with a payment lin and required to agree to and adhere to CFA Institute Code of Ethics & Standards of Professional Conduct Statement. 

Validation process

Membership Chair and Vice Chair/President will assess each case individually and might request information from applicants.


Apply for Candidate Membership here

Local Membership


Local membership is designed for financial professional who want to become involved with CFA Society Luxembourg without taking the formal step of joining the CFA Institute.

Local membership is 150EUR per year, from 1 July to 30 June.


CFA Society Luxembourg Local Members receive all benefits of Regular Membership - except acting as a sponsor for Regular Membership and voting during CFA Society Luxembourg Annual General Meeting.  

• Invitations to Social Evenings, Workshops and Educational Events

• Career opportunities

• Possibility to volunteer with the society and have a direct impact on their activities


        Holds a bachelor's degree from a recognized institution or equivalent training/work experience

        Currently or previously employed in a field related to financial analysis and securities or capital markets*

        Has agreed to and adhered to CFA Institute Code of Ethics & Standards of Professional Conduct Statement. 

  • The following fields are considered relevant: investment, corporate finance, financial planning, actuarial services, treasury services, securities brokerage, arbitration, accounting, business or securities law, finance education, economic analysis, research and analysis, journalism, consulting, business valuation, regulation, specialized services for finance.

Application process

Application Request is made online and include a short descirption of the motivation for joining CFA SOciety Luxembourg. Upon approval, applicants will be provided with a payment link and required to agree to and adhere to CFA Institute Code of Ethics & Standards of Professional Conduct Statement. 

Validation process

Membership Chair and Vice Chair/President will assess each case individually and might request information from applicants.

 Apply for Local Membership here