How can you tell if a company is undervalued or overvalued? Is the current stock price the only measure of value? Why would one company command a higher or lower premium than its direct competitor? This course takes a practical, tangible, and non-theoretical approach to examining how corporations are valued and the major analytical tools that are used. Go beyond the academic theory of financial ratios and apply fundamental analysis and real-world methods of evaluating a company’s intrinsic value. Gain insight into relative valuation methodologies (trading comps, deal comps) to fundamental valuation (discounted cash flow analysis, break-up / sum of the parts valuation). Coverage goes beyond the academic theory of financial ratios to the practical application of fundamental analysis, offering alternative, real-world methods of evaluating a company's intrinsic value.
The second half of this course builds on the first half and is hands-on, interactive and Excel-based. Apply the concepts learned in the discussion portion and perform relative valuation modeling techniques in Excel. We start the fundamental valuation modeling portion by building a DCF valuation model and turn our attention to relative valuation modeling by building a quick and dirty trading comps analysis by inputting historical results and analyst projections for comparable companies and calculating current standalone market valuation multiples. Then, construct a detailed comprehensive reference range analysis that quantifies valuation methodologies. In doing so, crystallize and appreciate the capital structure and the relationship between total enterprise value, equity value and price per share. Finally, build and update dynamic football field to graphically summarize valuation metrics. These tools are useful for any financial professional interested in analyzing a company.