CPD Programme Events

Online - Asset TV SA

CFA Society South Africa has its own dedicated channel on Asset TV SA which hosts a viariety of  relevant, quality online content. Viewers have the opportunity to acquire verifiable CPD points upon completion of the video and questionnaire.

To access and view content on the CFA Society South Africa channel register for free here - https://www.assettv.co.za/channel/cfa-society-south-africa

After registration you will receive an official email from Asset TV confirming your approved registration, you will then be able to log onto the channel to view content.

In person - CPD Programme Events 

CFA Society South Africa hosts in-person programme events and is an accredited CPD service provider through the Financial Planning Institute (FPI).

Please note the process of receiving your CPD certificate 

Prior to Programme Event ​

  1. Attendees will register through the registration link provided on the Programme Event Invitation.
  2. Attendees will be required to provide their full name and identification number when registering for the Programme Event. 

Day of Programme Event

  1. Attendee will be required to present his/her Identification card/book or driver's license at the Programmed Event Registration.
  2. CFA Society South Africa will cross check against the ID recorded on the attendance register.
  3. Attendees are required to SIGN IN on the attendance register.

After the Presentation 

  1. ​The Attendance register will be available after the event for attendees to SIGN OUT.
  2. CFA Society South Africa will check the attendance register after the event. Attendees that have correctly completed the process will then receive a personalized e-certificate confirming their attendance.
  3. Attendees are then responsible for the submission of the certificate in order to claim credits for their membership.