Certificate in Artificial Intelligence in Investments and Banking (CAIIB)

What is CAIIB?

It is a rigorous and complete program to expose financial professionals to Artificial Intelligence (AI), the most disruptive technology known to change the business landscape. The CAIIB is issued by CFA Society Spain and offers a 360-degree view of all relevant aspects of the application of AI in the context of investments, banking, and insurance. It has two levels. Its contents range from the foundations of Machine Learning to the practical implementation of models such as deep neural networks in investment management.

Who is it for?

The CAIIB is designed for finance professionals who want to understand the use and implications of AI in areas such as financial advising, risk management, or customer relationship management. It is practically oriented and assumes no knowledge of AI. The contents are suitable for managers looking to incorporate these technologies to enhance the execution of processes or develop new products and services using these skills.

Learn more

Exam registration fee and access to online materials are at a cost of €785 for each level.
